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We problem solve. Globally.

Project development & engineering services

Ennovate is a Canadian engineering company focused on designing and developing projects across a wide range of sectors and across the world.


At our core we are an engineering company. We combine technical expertise into a broader outlook with sustainability in mind.

Our unique combination of experience in the entire project development life cycle, including project development & economics, engineering & design, as well as operations and maintenance.

Calgary community


Ennovate is committed to engaging and learning from the communities that we work in.

As we work around the world, we bring values of sustainability and cooperation to help projects and people succeed.

Our Culture

Indigenous communities in Canada

Indigenous communities

Ennovate strives to create a relationship of equals with indigenous communities. We seek to grow opportunities and projects within the Indigenous economy.

News & updates

40% US Energy Carbon Free in 2022

US got a record-breaking 40% of its energy from carbon-free sources in 2022, report reveals

Flipping the Switch

Why it’s so difficult for hundreds of remote communities to do away with diesel and embrace renewable energy

Indigenous Communities Leading the Switch

Indigenous communities leading the switch to renewable energy in the North but more support is needed, think tank says

A Renewable Powerhouse

New research finds that wind and solar power with battery storage is set to produce cheaper electricity than natural gas in Alberta and Ontario

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