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Mustang Oil Field, North Slope Alaska
Early Production Facility (EPF) & Supporting Infrastructure / Pipelines

Providing integrated solutions

Key Statistics

United States, Energy, Early Production Facility (EPF), Pipelines, Engineering, Procurement, Construction Management, Project Economics

Meeting the challenge

We are proud to be supporting Finnex in the development of their Mustang Oil Field asset since 2018. Located up in the furthest extents of Alaska on the North Slope, this extreme environment presents unique and complex challenges. Our team at Ennovate has worked hard to deliver solutions that overcome challenges in this harsh and remote environment.

Our understanding of the thorough planning and preparation required while working on the North Slope includes meeting critical details ranging from weather, environmental regulations & permitting, through to transportation and logistics.

Ennovate is committed to meeting the highest safety standards and ensuring minimal impact on the environment, as well as the unique sensitivities of the region.

With Ennovate, clients can trust that their projects on the North Slope of Alaska are in capable hands.

Project Highlights

Construction Management

Construction leadership

Construction is critical to completing any project successfully and requires effective management and supervision. This is where attention to details can make or break a project.

We are proud to have partnered with Conam Construction Co. for construction and installation activities related to the pipeline and facilities on the Mustang Pad, with an inpeccable safety record and with zero loss-time incidents.

Module Fabrication

Modularized solutions

Ennovate was proud to deliver multiple modules for the Mustang Pad. These included enclosed production and electrical modules, as well as structural platforms such as pigging facilities, as well as a piperack bridge module.

Our Lease Automatic Custody Transfer (LACT) module was engineered, designed, and fabricated under an extremely tight deadline, and was successfully transported from the fabricator located at Big Lake up to the North Slope.

Pipeline EPCM

Engineering, procurement, & construction management for pipeline projects

Ennovate provided full EPCM services for the installation of a pipeline connecting the Mustang Pad production facility to the ConocoPhillips Kuparuk ATC pipelines. Consisting of two 6" NPS pipelines, one for crude oil, and the other for seawater, this pipeline required robust design, expedited procurement, and the careful construction of an ice road to preserve the sensitive North Slope tundra.

Early Production Facilities

EPFs for faster, cost effective production

At approximately 33MMBBL (recoverable), Finnex’s Mustang Pad located on the Western edge of the Kuparuk River offers its own unique set of challenges, particularly where larger fields are the norm.

We have been working with Finnex to install an Early Production Facility (EPF) that is engineered and designed to maximize the value of the asset, while meeting stringent flaring and environmental requirements.

Project news & postings

Working up in the Alaskan North Slope means working around wildlife, and that means ensuring that your actions do not cause any harm to the wildlife. Learn more about the different species of wildlife in the North Slope in the link to the right.

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